Dear Roma activists, the intellectual power of the Roma nation, all over the world,

Dear young Roma, dear brothers and sisters!

Starting from the fact that we Roma and the Roma nation in our past life, our status, our culture, tradition and historical roots, have always made efforts to raise the Roma issue at the highest level. It involves fighting for our identity, name, dignified, social, economic and other way of functioning.

That struggle of our existence never ended, but on the contrary, it always existed and will exist.     Our task is to eliminate all those shortcomings and injustices systemically and institutionally or minimize them as much as possible.

Respected Excellency, 

At the beginning of this Protest Note, I would like to greet you in the name of the International Romani Union and on my behalf as the president. 

The purpose of this Protest Note in the name of IRU is to the recent happenings and murder of the 24 year old Roma, resident of the Transcarpatia Region, where four other people were injured: 10 year old boy, two 19 year old boys as well as a 30 year old woman, all Roma, residents of an illegal Roma settlement.  The incident happened between the 23rd  and 24th of June,midnight, when a group of young man aged 16-17, organised by a 20 year old, attacked the settlement in the city of Lavov.

Respected Excellency, 

At the beginning of this Protest Note, I would like to greet you in the name of the International Romani Union and on my behalf as the president. 

The purpose of this  Protest Note is to show our concern and disagreement in relation to  the recent happenings and suggestions given by the Minister of Interior Mr. Mateo Salvini and his "anti-roma sentiment" with a great focus on the special registration of the Romani people that reside in Italy. At the same time we are deeply concerned about the statement that all the Roma people that don't have their residence status regulated in the Republic of Italy, would be expelled!

In Strasbourg, in the seat of the council  of Europe On June 20 and 21, 2018, the 5th meeting was held Dialogue with representatives of the non-governmental sector Roma and Travelers. The meeting was opened by President of CAHROM (Committee of Experts on Roma Issues and Travellers) Ms. Tatjana Andjelic, followed by Mrs. Bozidar Krunic,Permanent Representative of Montenegro to in the Council of Europe and in introductory remarks also presented Mr. Alen Tahiri, newly elected director of the government office for human and minority rights in Croatia.

Како дел од Бордот на Доверители од германската Фондација на ЕВЗ, на овој редовен годишен состанок, кој овој пат се одржа во Прага -Чешка свое присуство за прав пат имаше и ново наименуваниот член во Бордот како преставник на Синтите и Ромите и актуелниот претседател на ИРУ, Зоран Димов.

Состанокот беше на 20 и 21 јуни, каде на агендата имаше повеќе точки, во врска со плановите за работа во наредната 2019 и одвојување на фондови, меѓу другото и за активности поврзани со Ромите и Синтите.