This year, IRU starts very successfully. This confirmation was also received by the European Parliament in Brussels and the United Nations in New York. Earlier, the IRU team prepared a Starter Resolution as well as a program under the name "Local Act - Global Impact" which sent them to all relevant international institutions for consideration for inviting her to presentations.

Оваа 2018 која заминува остана запеметена по тоа што прелиминарно ја зацврсти својата соработак со многу интернационални офис, кои се од значаен аспект за рењализација на сите свои планови поврзани со Ромите насекаде низ светот.

Покрај активната соработка со ЕУ, СЕ, ЕП, ЕВЗ, ЕРТФ и дуриги во јуни 2018 официјално го зацврсти својот статус со ЕСОЅОС во Обединтетите нации и отварање на ИРУ офиси во Њујорк, Виена и Женева.

Сега во оваа 2019 година на чело со претседателот Зоран Димов заедно со членството на ИРУ го има предизвикот на имплементирање на стратегијата и планот на делување во рамките на своите надлежности.

For better coordination and activities related to the work of the International Roma Union - IRU, and better coordination with members of IRU from the Russian Federation, the office in Moscow is officially opened day after day.   

This significant act for IRU was marked by the IRU President Zoran Dimov, as well as IRU member Anatoly Butakov.   

As both of them informed, this is another step forward in the operation of IRU around the world.   

Otherwise, the IRU office in Moscow, whose boss is Anatoly Butakov, will have the task, except for members of IRU from Russia to have coordination and work with other countries from the region such as Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and other former states of ex Soviet Union.   

In this way, IRU's commitment to the presence of delegates from all regions of the world and to a higher resolution of all priority issues when it comes to the Roma nation everywhere is strengthened.



After receiving the ECOSOC status of IRU at the UN, and within the framework of further cooperation and activities, the meeting with the heads of the UN had the President of IRA Zoran Dimov. 

The meeting took place at the UN headquarters in Vienna. They discussed on the status and status of Roma that are part of the UN plan. Zoran Dimov familiarized them with the guidelines for securing and raising the Roma issue on a global scale. 

During the UN-Vienna meeting, she also learned that parallel activities are being conducted in the other two offices that the IRU has for co-operation with the UN in New York and Geneva. 

Before it is held the previous World Conference of Churches, he sent an invitation to the IRU to participate in the Vatican with his own representative.

IRU, at its last parliamentary meeting in Helsingborg, Sweden, decided to appoint a IRU representative to appoint the IRU Committee on Religion and Relations, Mr. Lars Demeter.