The final decision of the IRU Kris and its team has made on Tuesday on the 24th of January - 2017. 

The Document - Decision

Everything is ready for IRU Chris trial Dorin Cioaba Romania. The process will run recognized and prominent Roma krisari that led similar processes in Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Poland and Hungary. The head of the IRU Chris will be Gergor Ulysse Sweden. krisari six other Roma who come from the aforementioned countries.

Potegnat process is based on violations of IRU statute and code. 

Among other things there will be acts of counterfeit registration by Dorin Coaba, irregular and private open account named IRU, embezzlement of financial resources and forging documents.

May I introduce Nin, the systems architect who is working behind the scenes with the IRU to perfect a computer model for use in the Democratic Transition; essentially an Electronic Voting platform for the Romani movement.

A systems architect defines and refines the design, using all the software and hardware available, to produce a humanly functional and aesthetically pleasing product. That's the job description.

After months of dedication, working with almost no backup, Nin has now completed this task to a level where it will be possible to build a data bank of Roma - Roma activists.

The election of Alexander Van der Bellen as president of Austria augers well for those seeking greater tolerance towards migrants. His victory has been welcomed with relief by EU-leaders around Europe.

Van de Bellen, former head of the Green Party, has given his support to grass-roots projects helping refugees and immigrants, including Roma. This liberal view has been praised by the IRU.

Over past decades, thousands of Roma from former Yugoslavia, and elsewhere, have migrated to Austria, seeking a better life.