During the Parliamentary session of IRU held in Skopje on June 28 and 29, in the part of Public Hiring, members of IRU Zeljko Shajn, who is also a M.Sc. in Law, noted the Initiative for Establishment through the "Contact Point" Ombudsman for vulnerable groups primarily for Roma. In his initiative, among other things, he states:

"If we focus on institutional information from various international institutions, both executive and legislative are not the least enviable: human rights violations and discrimination are greatly affected.


In order to achieve the desired goal: equalizing the degree of enjoyment of the rights of the members of the Roma minority, we believe that it is necessary to implement reforms in the institutional framework and at the vertical and horizontal level of respecting these rights between the important political subjects and the International Roma Union - IRU, also part of the United Nations, represents the Roma at all levels and has cooperation with the EU and other important international institutions.


The task ahead is actually how to make the existing Ombudsman at the local, national and European level even more efficient. The solution is the establishment of the expert contact point "Contact Point" Ombudsman for Roma issues "


This mechanism will serve more as an advisory body to the European, national and local ombudsman, will speed up the integrative process of society, and thus these problems, as an example of the Balkans, would not be a brake in the EU integration process of countries seeking EU membership.

If we have in mind that the Ombudsman contributes to the development of respect for, respect for, freedom and rights of the citizen, then the establishment of the "Contact Contact Point" is a real answer to many unresolved issues that we are dealing with today.


In consultation with top experts from the justice system such as Melenka Kreč, Judge of International Law, academician at MANU Vlado Kambovski, and others, they all call on the international convention for the protection of minorities adopted by the Council of Europe, consider this would be a nice moment for both the Roma community and society as a whole.


Normally you will need a serious job that will answer many questions about establishing this mechanism. "

At the very end, Shane quoted also Nehru, who in 1961 in Belgrade, during the conference of the non-aligned countries and during the visit to the Romany settlement Marinka, Tito told him that there are Roma living there, which Nehru answered: "

 "The sun has countless names, but it shines and heals equally for all"