I hope that as well as furnishing full details of the  murders on 23 June and 1 July, you will be able to assure  us that protection is being extended to all those  vulnerable and exposed families in camps and  dwellings across the Ukraine, recognizing that all  are threatened with targeting by the thugs and armed  militia members, who are clearly out of control. 

On 2 August next at 12 noon we shall be holding the  traditional Roma Holocaust Commemoration at the  Hyde Park Holocaust Memorial. This will be the  occasion of remembering those murderednow in Ukraine and we ask that as a token of your personal  regret and concern, you attend on this occasion.  That will be appreciated. 

May I note on 2 August next year [2019] the  Jubilee World Roma Congress will be opening in  London, with a commemoration stating at 12 noon  close to Parliament. 


Yours sincerely, 

Grattan Puxon 

chair  IRU Commission 

for Democratic Transition