The reaction says:
I, Zoran Dimov the President of the International Romani Union - IRU in the name of all of the members and delegates of the IRU, a Romani organization which functions since 1971 and is assembled of over 70 delegates and members from the whole world, with its Statute, Parliament, Presidency, etc, send you a Reaction regarding the tragic incident which happened on 18.10.2016, where according to Czech media somewhere after 19:00 in a local cafe - pizzeria „Panamera„ in the city of Zatec.
The information was full of controversies regarding the death of a local 27 year old Roma.
Also, a storm of information and testimonials followed regarding the taken measures and the way which the case is treated by the state police and court institutions.
The way in which the investigation is led in order to solve the case indicates on lots of irregularities and lack of transparency.
This is why, we as the IRU react on all of the current taken activities, and address you with an appeal for a reaction to the state institutions in the Czech Republic, in order to take measures and process this situation, and would kindly ask you if you could reply with return information, regarding the case and how far is the procedure and which legal measures would be taken against this tragic act and the lost life of this 27 year old Roma from Zatec, Czech Republic.
Best regards and hope for collaboration
Zoran Dimov
President of the IRU
The following links are with information about the case.