Such is their style of work. They are simply breastfed with hatred and lack of culture and disrespect of an individual or a collective. The style of such "large Roma activists" is always the same. Their vocabulary is with the most common sentence "I do not know, but someone else told me," "I did not see, but someone else was there," "I didn't heard, but someone heard so." etc.

It is much easier to gossip, to make confusion and to blame someone than to catch a particular work activity. Mildly speaking, such a profile of people suits the less smarter "Roma Leaders" where exactly those "Barking dogs" incite them like pit bulls and let them bark as much as they want and finally to be back  on margins. 

And when that "barking dog " realizes that he's been used, he turns around towards his  "master" and starts barking, but now in the opposite direction. 

These persons are called as "Guided Pit Bulls" 

Regardless the imposition of confusion and intrigue without arguments to the public, the International Romani Union, its president Zoran Dimov and also all members and delegates of the IRU, working in full speed to fulfill the given tasks and activities related to the implementation of the plans. It is in this context that the ten heads of Commissions wrote their strategic frameworks and programs from 2016 to 2020. And also there are three other programs, such as the Democratic Transition, Program for Roma women and traditional Romani Kris.

The IRU does not know how to disrupt, the IRU only knows to unite, and therefore haves the name of the International Romani Union. The IRU does not know how to bark, the IRU only knows how to work. In the following link you can see the strategic frameworks and programs 2016-2020 IRU.